The Indigenous Movement Programme
This is a series of exercises for those who want to regain a natural connection with the body, exploring the body's original functional movements, its connection to diet and lifestyle and their effects on mobility and flexibility.
It’s the ideal programme for those coming from no movement, as well as for those who exercise regularly to improve and refine their own routines.
Regaining and maintaining your health and mobility in these uncertain times can be difficult. This series of online sessions will support you with practical advice on how to begin or improve your movement practice, and with guidance on maintaining your health according to your personal lifestyle challenges.
Online Classes are on Sundays at 12 pm.
Monthly Fee: £ 40
Sign up online from 1 November 2023
Teacher / Practitioner
Alvin Kofi has been a practising martial artist for over 25 years. Throughout his martial arts career he found that students who came to train brought injuries and imbalances in their bodies resulting from their life styles. This urged him to create training programmes that would best suit his students and improve their general mobility, health and wellbeing.
Having practised and studied Yoga and Chi Gong over the years, Alvin Kofi has meticulously put together a movement programme combining elements of both systems to help his students gain greater flexibility and strength, and heal from the injuries acquired through training.
Indigenous Movement has three main areas of focus :
*Rejuvenation / Rest *Maintenance / Management *Cultivation / Strengthening
We recommend that you consult a physician before beginning any exercise programme.
The information provided is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice or treatment.